Relay OFF Time delay timer by using NPN Transistor and Capacitor

OFF time delay timer by using NPN transistor and Capacitor, first of (B)base touch to positivevoltage so the capacitor also gets charged fully, remove to wire through the power to the base gets disconnected, the transistor continues to conduct with the aid of the stored energy in the capacitor which now starts discharging its stored charge via the transistor.The Relay also stays switched ON until the capacitor gets fully discharged.
The value of the capacitor determines the time delay or for how long the transistor stays in the conducting mode.
The component is using
2. 12v DC SPDT Relay
3. 1K ohm resistor
4. 1000uF/25v capacitor
5. 3v battery with LED
How can i do the same thing pushing the switch button on permantly and when i release it
to do nothing and only if i push it again to do the same thing?